
While Excavating A Royal Grave In Germany, Archaeologists Uncovered A Massive Bronze Age Structure Once Used By An Ancient King Known For Being Buried In A Solid Gold Coffin

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In Germany, archaeologists were excavating a royal grave when they unearthed a giant structure from the Bronze Age by chance. Upon closer inspection, they determined that it dated back to 2,200 and 800 B.C.

They also believe it was originally built sometime between the 9th and 10th centuries B.C. It is thought to have been a meeting hall that was once used by an ancient king.

King Hinz was the ruler of Prignitz, which is now a district in northern Germany. He was famous for being buried in a solid gold coffin. Other than that, not much else is known about him.

There is very little written historical record of his time on the throne. However, the new discovery has shed some light on the legendary king and the time period in which he ruled.

The find indicates that the region was a key center of power during the Bronze Age.

“What is presented here is truly spectacular. You definitely need luck to find something like this. But it is also the result of exemplary cooperation at different levels,” said Tobias Dünow, State Secretary from the Brandenberg Ministry of Science, Research, and Culture.

The enormous structure is located near Berlin and has a floor plan that stretches 102 by 33 feet, making it the largest known ancient construction in the region.

Only four other buildings from the same era are known to be as large as the most recently discovered structure.

Additionally, it is estimated to have been about 22 feet tall. Because of the building’s height, researchers think it is likely that the hall contained multiple stories.

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