
This Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread Topped With A Cream Cheese Glaze Is Fluffy, Sweet, And A Perfect Chilly Weather Treat

A_Lein - - illustrative purposes only

Are you tired of regular banana bread? Try switching yours up by adding a twist or two! Luckily, bananas pair well with a variety of ingredients, so you have plenty to choose from to make whatever combination you’re craving.

But if you love both cinnamon rolls and banana bread, the recipe below will be your dream come true.

TikToker Alex Newnam (@alex_newnam) has a recipe for cinnamon swirl banana bread topped with a cream cheese glaze.

Each warm, sweet, and fluffy slice features a moist, crumby texture, loads of banana flavor, and delicate ribbons of cinnamon sugar.

The cream cheese glaze instantly transforms this bread from a breakfast treat to a delightful dessert. It’ll be a crowd-pleaser every time!

First, use a fork to mash four medium-sized overripe bananas in a bowl. Then, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract, two eggs, two sticks of melted butter, one cup of sugar, one teaspoon of baking soda, two cups of flour, and a half cup of chocolate chips.

Mix everything together, and you’ll have successfully prepared the batter for your banana bread.

For the cinnamon mixture, combine three tablespoons of unsalted melted butter, three tablespoons of sugar, three tablespoons of brown sugar, and two tablespoons of cinnamon in a smaller separate bowl.

Next, pour a third of the batter into a greased baking pan, followed by a third of the cinnamon mixture. Swirl the cinnamon mixture around in the batter to create a marbled pattern.

A_Lein – – illustrative purposes only

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