
The Average American Spent Over $3,000 On Dates This Year, And 37% Anticipate Scaling Back Due To The Economy

luckybusiness - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
luckybusiness - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Is going on dates draining your bank account? A recent survey of 2,000 Americans conducted by OnePoll in collaboration with LELO revealed that the typical individual has shelled out a whopping $3,025.12 on dating in 2023. It also found that the average survey participant has been on eight dates over the past six months, each setting them back by about $189.

This price point does align with the participants’ expectations, as they believe a decent date should cost around $196. Yet, one out of every eight people anticipates spending a minimum of $300 on each date!

The survey also highlights a difference in gender perspectives since men generally estimate a good date at about $220, whereas women, on average, think $170 is sufficient for a quality date.

Now, in terms of who pays for these dates, about 33% of those surveyed usually foot the bill, closely matched by 31% who typically have their dates paid for. Only 27% of respondents reported splitting the bill or taking turns closing out the tab.

The data also revealed a notable gender disparity, with 54% of men being more inclined to cover the entire cost of a date in contrast to only 12% of women.

Plus, relationship expenses extend beyond just date nights. On average, individuals have spent close to $360 on gifts for their partners over the last year, with 20% revealing they’ve spent more than $500.

Men tend to spend more on their partner’s gifts, averaging around $430, whereas women typically spend about $272.

Passing on this gift-giving isn’t advisable, either, since a third of Americans admit they would judge their partner for not receiving a gift on a special occasion, regardless of the duration of the relationship.

Now, about 66% of the respondents realize that the cost of dating has risen over the past year with inflation. That’s why 37% anticipate going on fewer dates in 2024 due to economic concerns. Furthermore, 60% plan to set a budget for their overall relationship expenses.

luckybusiness – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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