
The Australian Box Jellyfish Is The Most Venomous Ocean Creature, And Victims May Experience Cardiac Arrest, Paralysis, Or Even Death Within Just Minutes Of Being Stung

In addition, box jellyfish swim by propelling themselves forward in a jet-like motion, while other jellyfish drift along wherever the ocean’s current may take them.

Due to their speed and vision, some researchers believe that box jellyfish actively hunt their prey, which is mainly shrimp and small fish. Since they swim toward movement, this can lead to stings of humans hanging out in the water.

Climate change has caused the ocean to warm up, making it an increasingly hospitable environment for box jellyfish. As a result, humans are now more likely to come into contact with them.

If you’re ever stung by one, refrain from rubbing the affected area. Flood the wound with vinegar for 30 seconds and then apply a compression bandage.

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