Categories: Relationships

She’s Sick Of Her Housemate Occupying The Whole Living Room While Working From Home But Isn’t Sure How To Approach Her Housemate Since They Tend To Get Super Defensive

Chip Chick

For the last three years, this woman and her roommate have been living together, and this past June, they moved into a new place.

The house they recently moved into is massive.

Her roommate’s bedroom is the largest bedroom in the house, and because of this, her roommate is paying about $130 more in rent than she does.

The bedroom her roommate chose is twice as big as hers, and their kitchen and living room are both incredibly spacious, too, especially considering that they live in London.

Her roommate chose to work from home, and she works in their living room from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Plus, her roommate works from the couch and watches TV every day.

Luckily, her job allows her the freedom to work outside of the traditional 9-5 hours with corporate standards, so she has a lot of flexibility and free time.

“I’d love to work out at home, watch television, and just get up to more stuff, and the living area feels perfect for that. I mean, it’s the lounge, the social room, right?” she said.

Unfortunately, her roommate seems to have claimed the living room.

Photo 185933510 © Fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Chip Chick

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