
She Wouldn’t Allow Her Husband To Be In The Prep Room Before She Went In For Surgery, And He’s Been Upset Ever Since That She Didn’t Let Him “Support Her”

Yakobchuk Olena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman recently had to go in for a minor outpatient surgery. But, in her husband’s family, they tend to make a big deal about medical procedures.

In fact, whenever any one of her in-laws goes in for a procedure, her husband’s family thinks it’s their “duty” to actually set up a vigil in the hospital waiting room.

Her family, on the other hand, is filled with a bunch of nurses. So, they all believe that having such a large family presence in the hospital is actually unnecessary and even puts a burden on medical staff.

“Unless you’re literally dying, we will be at home waiting for the call to pick you up,” she said.

So, when it came time for her surgery prep, she actually “shooed” her husband away at the hospital door.

She tried to tell him that she was completely fine and assured him that they would see each other again in just a few hours.

Now, her husband did try to push back and stay with her for “support” in the surgery prep room. But when he did, she refused to budge.

“Gee, babe? What’re you gonna do? Hand the doctor the scalpel?” she jokingly asked him.

She thought her remark was pretty funny, too, and the other nurse with her also laughed. Then, the nurse even helped her get rid of her husband.

Yakobchuk Olena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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