
She Wants To Divorce Her Husband, But She Feels Guilty Leaving Him While He’s In Such A Tough Spot With His Mental And Physical Health

Bostan Natalia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman is currently married, but she feels as though her relationship with her husband is broken beyond repair.

He is struggling with a multitude of issues– ranging from physical health problems to being deeply depressed.

He also gets angry at her whenever she tells him to see a doctor, claiming that she should be offering moral support instead of trying to get him on medications.

“So I feel like I’m a mom, not a wife,” she said.

Apparently, her husband is not ambitious whatsoever, either, and he is always complaining about how she doesn’t give him enough attention.

Quite frankly, she admitted that it’s becoming increasingly harder to even interact with her husband, too. He is just constantly so negative.

“I understand why. I also have depression. But I take medications,” she explained.

“And when we’re apart, I feel relief because I don’t have to care for him anymore. It’s just one person instead of two.”

Her husband’s situation has also become increasingly harrowing lately, and she really doesn’t believe that he is capable of picking himself up and getting himself out of it.

Bostan Natalia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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