
She Told Her Friend They Should’ve Seen Her Husband’s Affair Coming Because It Was With Their Closest Friend, Who’d Already Had An Affair With A Married Man

T.Den_Team - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Since college, this 35-year-old woman has been friends with Julia, who is also 35, and Alex, who is 34.

The three of them were close, but over time, they expanded their friend to include seven of them in total.

Two years ago, they all learned that Alex was knowingly engaging in an affair with a married man.

“Her excuse was that he was unhappy, and that was why he was seeking outside validation. I advised her to stop it, and this is not healthy because he will not leave his wife. She didn’t listen. Rather, she accused me of being a bad friend,” she said.

Even though everyone in their friend group didn’t approve of Alex participating in an affair, they all believed that it was none of their business, so they chose to stay out of it.

She decided to do something about it when Alex didn’t heed her advice, so she reached out to the man’s wife and let her know what was going on.

The reason she knew who the man’s wife was was because he had introduced them.

Unfortunately, this caused all of her friends to turn away from her.

Julia was especially upset with her, arguing that when she contacted the wife of the man Alex was hooking up with, she was betraying her friendship with Alex.

T.Den_Team – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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