Categories: Relationships

She Threw Her Dinner In The Garbage Instead Of Giving It To Her Stepdaughter Because Her Stepdaughter Always Touches Her Food And Knows It Grosses Her Out

Chip Chick

However, she knows Hailie gets plenty of food and snacks throughout the day. She’s been to a nutritionist and is in great health, so she doesn’t understand why she feels the need to steal her food.

Recently, she’s gotten more of an appetite and has been ready to eat the food she makes for the family. The other night, she made lasagna for everyone, and there should have been enough to have leftovers after everyone had a portion. However, her husband ended up having two portions.

So, when she got up to feed the baby after she finished making dinner, her portion was left in the pan.

“When I came back a half hour later, Hailie was forking the last portion out of the pan using her fingers,” she recalled.

“So, she touched it [and] I wouldn’t eat it.”

Over their last few family dinners, Hailie has continued to find ways to touch her food with her hands so that she couldn’t eat it and would have to hand it over to her.

The other night, she made Hailie and her husband some cheeseburgers. Since she doesn’t like cheeseburgers, she made herself two hot dogs.

While she was trying to eat the hot dogs, Hailie reached over and picked one up off her plate, claiming to check if the bun was moldy. 

Then, Hailie looked at her and said, “Guess you’re not gonna eat that now, so I can have it if you want.”

She felt so fed up with Hailie’s games that she took her plate from the table and chucked her hot dogs in the trash so no one could eat them. Hailie began crying and said she didn’t mean to upset her; she was just hungry.

Her husband began yelling at her and called her childish for wasting food. He also told her that while he understands Hailie’s behavior is frustrating, she didn’t have to “stoop” to her level. 

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Published by
Chip Chick

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