
She Refused To Let Her Flakey Maid Of Honor Bring A Plus-One To Her Wedding Because She’s Not In A Long-Term Relationship

She also felt like the only reason Jenny came to the dress fitting in the first place was to ask if Mike could be her plus-one at the wedding.

“A week later, I got a notification on Facebook: ‘Jenny married Mike.’ I’m flabbergasted. If she isn’t even telling me she’s getting married, then I guess we really aren’t friends anymore. Later that night, I randomly got a text message telling me that she was incredibly insulted by my snap judgment of her relationship,” she shared.

Jenny also told her that she was stunned that she rejected to let Mike be her plus-one at the wedding and that she refused this right in front of him.

After that, Jenny expressed that she would never dream of judging her relationship with her fiancé, no matter how long they’ve been dating (she and her fiancé have been dating for eight years).

Jenny ended her message by saying that she was uncomfortable continuing to be her maid of honor and would be stepping down from the role, and she wished her and her fiancé the best.

In response, she told Jenny that because she flaked out on her while she was maid of honor for a year and then suddenly asked her if she could bring her boyfriend as a plus-one minutes after meeting him while he was right there listening to the conversation, she would be updating Jenny’s invitation to “not going.”

What would you have done if you were in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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