
She Refused To Let Her Flakey Maid Of Honor Bring A Plus-One To Her Wedding Because She’s Not In A Long-Term Relationship

Last year, her boyfriend proposed to her, and she asked Jenny if she would be her maid of honor.

Jenny was thrilled and immediately accepted this honor.

“After that, hanging out with Jenny essentially became an impossible task. She canceled trying on wedding dresses with me multiple times. Most of my other lady friends had recently moved out of state, so I ended up having to go alone,” she said.

Jenny constantly canceled their plans to get together, sometimes using the excuse that she was too busy.

Instead of letting her know ahead of time, Jenny wouldn’t cancel on her until hours after they’d agreed to hang out or not respond to her until the next day.

As time went on, whenever she attempted to solidify plans, Jenny would tell her that she wasn’t free because she had to study.

While this was obviously stressful and frustrating, she did her best to cut Jenny some slack because she had just started nursing school not that long ago.

In the meantime, Jenny was regularly posting Snapchat stories of her going out drinking, to concerts, and socializing with new friends she’d met in nursing school.

When she confronted Jenny about this discrepancy between her words and actions, Jenny explained that going out was her way of unwinding while she was stressed out and busy.

Eventually, she couldn’t deal with the frustration anymore, so after six months of putting up with Jenny’s flaky behavior, she didn’t go out of her way to get in touch with her anymore.

A couple of months later, she had an upcoming wedding dress fitting.

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