
She Keeps Bugging Her Friend For Their Wedding Details Because The Event Is Nine Months Away, She Knows Absolutely Nothing, And She’s Getting Stressed About Her Budget

sonyachny - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Next year, a couple whom a woman and her husband are close to are getting married. She and her husband found out about the wedding a year beforehand.

They both are making payments on student loans and a vehicle, and they also have several other monthly expenses to worry about, so they have an incredibly tight budget. For their friends’ wedding, they have to buy their outfits.

“We wanted to surprise our friends by paying for a hotel for all of us to stay at the night before the wedding since the venue is almost an hour away,” she said.

She always wanted to make sure she had enough money set aside for the bride’s bridal shower and bachelorette party.

They found out about the upcoming wedding three months ago, and each month, she’s tried reaching out to ask when information about the wedding will be sent out.

Unfortunately, her friends have never provided her with an answer to her question. Instead, the bride and groom wait several days before telling her that they’re super swamped but will figure out all of the details shortly.

She assisted the bride’s sister, who was the maid of honor, with finding a venue to host the bridal shower, and she started setting money aside for it soon after.

When she inquired about when the bridal shower would be, she was told that she would be informed as soon as a date was set.

“I get it that everyone has things to do. We’re all adults,” she explained.

sonyachny – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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