
She Got An Infant Removed From A Christmas Train Ride Because The Baby Was Clearly Smaller Than Her Daughter, Who Wasn’t Allowed On Due To The Height Requirement

“So I waved him down and asked if the infant behind me was big enough for the ride,” she revealed.

At that point, the attendant took one look at the baby and just said, “I think so.” But, she wasn’t satisfied with that answer and pointed out how, not long before, he hadn’t allowed her child– who was obviously larger than the baby– to ride the train.

So, she claimed that if the baby was allowed to ride on the train, then her daughter should be, too.

Well, this pushed the attendant to give the other baby a few more glances before he ultimately told the family behind her that the baby couldn’t ride the train. Then, he made the family get off the ride.

“And I could hear the woman mutter something to the man behind me,” she detailed.

Afterward, the man behind her actually called her a jerk before taking the baby off the train; meanwhile, the woman behind her stayed on the train alone with their other child.

Anyway, this whole incident was understandably pretty awkward. So now, she hasn’t been able to stop wondering if getting the infant removed from the train ride was justified or not, given the fact that her daughter wasn’t allowed on.

Can you understand why she was confused about the infant being allowed on the train but not her daughter? Do you think she had a right to call the attendant over, or was it a jerky move? What would you have done?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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