
She Got Accused Of “Ruining” Her Friend’s Wedding Because Her Friend Expected Her And The Other Bridesmaids To Foot The Bill For Everything

Photo 149864505 © Victoriaandreas - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her friends, all in their mid-20s, were bridesmaids at their friend’s wedding.

In her friend group, some of her friends are working full-time and have mortgages on the homes they’ve purchased.

On the other hand, she’s currently still in college and has student debt. This is the first of her friends in this group to get married, so this is everyone’s first time as bridesmaids.

As their friend was planning her wedding, she was asking a lot of them, often with little notice in advance.

They were expected to pay half of the cost of their bridesmaid’s dresses, as well as more than $1,000 toward a bachelorette trip.

Unfortunately, they didn’t get to contribute any of their opinions about where to go or what to do on the trip.

Despite this, they didn’t argue because they wanted to be supportive of what their friend wanted for her dream wedding.

Even though the bride didn’t communicate it directly, she wanted the maid of honor to be completely responsible for planning the bridal shower.

“I asked how the maid of honor was going to pay for the shower because the bride had expectations for an ‘Instagram-worthy’ event (balloon arches, alcohol, food, and elaborate decorations). The bride’s response was, “I don’t know…ask her,” she said.

Photo 149864505 © Victoriaandreas – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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