
She Feels Like Her Accomplishments Are Overlooked Or Kept A Secret Just To Save Her Siblings’ Feelings

Photo 115196544 © Roman Samborskyi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Photo 115196544 © Roman Samborskyi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman and her family have always been close. They even have a group chat– including herself, her parents, her three sisters, and her brother-in-law and sister-in-law– where they send updates about their lives since they don’t all live nearby.

However, ever since she got married to her husband, who is also 27, back in 2020, she’s felt like her accomplishments are constantly overlooked to save her 28-year-old sister’s feelings.

For instance, after she got engaged, her parents actually sat her down and claimed that her sister was feeling upset that she was getting married first.

So, her parents actually told her that they wouldn’t talk about her wedding whatsoever when her sister was around!

Then, on the day of her actual ceremony, her sister could barely look at her, and her mom spent the entire event comforting her sister instead of celebrating her nuptials.

“I had a beautiful day with my husband and those who wanted to celebrate with us,” she recalled.

“But it was difficult to be ignored by my sister, who was my best friend growing up. I had hoped she would feel happy for me and that my mom would have wanted to celebrate with us.”

From then on, this trend continued, too. For some context, she’s been working a “decent” job for the past few years. However, her position was in no way related to her passions or even the degree that she graduated with.

That’s why she began interviewing for a new job, and just yesterday, she received some great news: she had landed the position.

Photo 115196544 © Roman Samborskyi – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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