
She Broke Up Her Dad’s Relationship With His Girlfriend After Finding Out Her Dad Had Been Messaging Her Friend And Trying To Cheat

Xavier Lorenzo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 20-year-old woman and her father, 45, have never really gotten along. Her sister was always her father’s favorite child.

Throughout the years, her father always seemed to act nicer toward her when she made a new friend, but she never thought it was anything she should be concerned about.

Then, when she was 19, she was attending community college. At this point, her parents were divorced, and a while before that, her father had started dating a great woman named Adel.

“She was the nicest woman in the world, and she was like a second mom to me,” she said.

Adel and her son attended her high school graduation. At graduation, she introduced them, as well as her father, to her friend, G. While in college, she met her boyfriend’s sister.

Since she had established a closer relationship with her father, thanks to Adel, she told him that she’d become friends with her boyfriend’s sister.

“About a month into our friendship, my dad wrote her a message: ‘Hi, I saw we have some of the same friends. Maybe you want to get to know each other.’ She, of course, sent me a screenshot, and I got mad,” she explained.

She immediately confronted her father about this, expressing that he could never do something like that again, and he assured her that he never would.

This past May, she moved abroad with her boyfriend. During the first two weeks, she settled into life in a new country, and she enjoyed herself.

Xavier Lorenzo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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