
She Asked A Mother And Son To Leave A Professional Ballet Performance Because The Little Boy Wouldn’t Stop Fussing And Being Disruptive The Entire Time

When the first act of the ballet began, she quickly realized that the mother had a massive purse filled with all sorts of things to keep her son occupied.

The mother grabbed some toys and coloring books out of her bag, but her son didn’t seem to want to play or color because he continued talking in a quiet voice.

Throughout the first act, the mother repeatedly tried to hush her son, but it didn’t seem to work.

While this was going on, she wasn’t bothered because she acknowledged that this is to be expected with children.

“However, towards intermission, the kid is getting restless, and he starts fussing. I wasn’t mad about it. Kids are kids. Others are giving her looks, but she’s desperately trying to distract him,” she said.

The woman’s husband was doing his best to try to get their son to calm down, too, but to no avail.

When the intermission began, the woman and her son stepped out. She hoped that this meant the boy would be quieter once the next act started.

But as intermission ended and the second act began, the mother came back to her seat, obviously a bit disruptive since she got back later than she should have, and her son was still whining, but this now at a much louder volume.

“About 20 minutes later, he starts full-on wailing, and she just keeps going, ‘Shhh, shhh,’ while holding him,” she explained.

Understandably, this started bothering her because the mother and her son were directly next to her and distracting her from the ballet.

She pointed out that in the hallway right outside the exit are some TVs that show the performance in real time. This is convenient since audience members can watch from the hall if they have to leave for a few minutes, and the only moments they wouldn’t get to see are the several seconds it takes to leave their seats and walk out the exit doors.

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