
She Argued With Her Sister For Expecting Extremely Expensive Christmas Gifts For Their Family’s Secret Santa

Oleksandr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Oleksandr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One of the biggest pet peeves many people have during Christmastime is when someone goes over the spending cap for Secret Santa celebrations or intentionally tries to outshine everyone else with their gift-giving abilities.

For instance, remember that episode of “The Office” where Michael Scott brings an iPod to the office’s Secret Santa gift swap, but the spending cap was only $20, and chaos ensues?

One woman recently argued with her sister, who found out she had pulled her name for their family’s Secret Santa and begun requesting extremely expensive gifts.

She’s 28-years-old and is planning on hosting Christmas with her husband at their house this year, especially since it coincides with her baby’s first birthday on December 26th.

“Given that there will be quite a few people, and there will also be birthday celebrations, everyone agreed to do Secret Santa this year,” she said.

“When this was organized, the limit was put to a vote, and instead of a cap, we decided on a minimum spend of $50. This was probably a bad idea.”

She drew her sister’s name for Secret Santa, which wasn’t the greatest luck. Her sister is 26, and they’ve always had a complicated relationship. They’re very different people, and over the last few years, her sister has given her grief for settling down, getting married, and having children already.

Although they’re not very close, and her sister doesn’t approve of her lifestyle choices, they do their best to stay civil. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been happening since her mom ended up telling her sister that she had drawn her name after she asked her for some gift ideas.

“I don’t want to spend a fortune, but I would like to get her something she wants [and] enjoys,” she explained.

Oleksandr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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