
If You Love Having Guests Over But Live In A Tiny Apartment Or Home, Here Are Some Of The Best Hacks For Hosting And Making The Most Of Your Small Living Space

Photo 78185110 © Gstockstudio1 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Do you love hosting get-togethers and parties? Does your heart soar whenever you send out an invite for something as casual as a wine night or as extravagant as a costume party at your place?

If so, you’re most likely a hostess with the mostess. However, it can be really hard to keep that title when you move into a smaller home or apartment. 

As someone living in a New York City apartment with three roommates and one bathroom who loves having people over, I understand the struggle of trying to host a gathering with little space.

If you’ve recently moved into a small home or apartment or have been longing to host a party but have been insecure about space for some time now, here are some tips for making the most of your small space while still being a fabulous host.

Use every surface

It’s horrible when you’re at a party and can’t find a single space to put down your drink or plate. Heaven forbid you must put your wine glass on a friend’s bookshelf and risk someone knocking it over! 

To avoid your guests feeling this way, prep every surface possible in your home to make it available or useful to your guests. For instance, if you have a bunch of souvenirs, books, and candles on your center coffee table, you’ve got to clear that stuff off. Leave one little decor item like a single candle or vase of flowers to make it look nice, but otherwise, put everything else away and make room.

Remember to keep kitchen counters, some shelves, any tables, etc., as clear as possible so your guests can be comfortable.

Create some more seating

Photo 78185110 © Gstockstudio1 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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