
His Wife Got Upset When He Said He Would Make Dinner If She Actually Worked

Photo 184753803 © Natalia Kuzina - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Photo 184753803 © Natalia Kuzina - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 47-year-old man and his 44-year-old wife have three children, who are 16, 10, and 7. His wife is a stay-at-home mom and takes care of their children while he works full-time to support their family.

Every morning, he leaves for work at 5 a.m., and then he arrives home at 5:30 every night. It takes him an hour to drive each way to work and back.

He texts his wife frequently throughout the day, so she always knows exactly what time he will be home.

“I bring in roughly 200k a year,” he explained. “Rarely has she cooked on a regular basis and is typically “fend for yourself.”

“It is what it is at this point, but sometimes I’m just dead and would like dinner made or in the oven when I get home, and [last night] was one of those nights.”

Before he started his drive home from work yesterday, he asked his wife if she could please roast some chicken in the oven for him and also make a salad for dinner.

His wife agreed, and when he got home, he started to eat some of the salad while he waited for the chicken to come out of the oven.

His wife then remarked to him that his dinner was better than last night or the night before in a teasing way, as she really never cooks (and he never complains).

He teased her back and said dinner would be better than last year or last month even.

Photo 184753803 © Natalia Kuzina – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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