
His Sister Said She’s Disgusted That He And His Wife Are Choosing IVF Over Adopting

“She also opened up about feeling on the outside her whole life because she looked like nobody [in] her family.” 

Ever continued to tell Jane that she struggled as an adopted child growing up and is still shaken from when she tried reaching out to her birth parents, and they rejected her.

She explained that because of her personal trauma as an adopted child, she didn’t want to adopt herself and would rather try having her own children.

Unfortunately, Jane didn’t empathize with her; instead, she called Ever names and told her she should be ashamed of herself. Ever was very upset and told him about what happened. 

A few days later, he got a call from Jane, who told him he should tell Ever to “fix her thinking.”

“I told Jane that she was the biggest hypocrite because she only adopted her kids as a last resort after being told again and again that IUI and IVF would not work for her and that surrogacy wouldn’t either,” he explained.

“I told her we never judged her for how she started her family, but I did judge her for having gone through all that and being so hard on Ever.”

This caused a big argument between him and Jane, who accused him of throwing her infertility in her face.

Should he feel bad for calling Jane a hypocrite, or was he right to tell her off?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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