
His Girlfriend’s Dad Resents Him Because He’s Not Rich, And He’s Feeling Insecure

dglimages - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 28-year-old guy started dating his 25-year-old girlfriend less than two years ago, and his girlfriend’s family is very rich.

His girlfriend’s dad is a millionaire who does try to maintain “a low profile” surrounding his wealth, but it’s evident he has money.

All you have to do is look at the cars his girlfriend’s dad drives, the house he lives in, and where he travels to realize he’s wealthy.

Now, his own parents are part of the working class and are lower to middle income. He does not come from money, and he has a normal job working in marketing.

Despite their financial backgrounds, he always got along decently with his girlfriend’s dad and thought her family was accepting of him, as her brothers are nice to him.

But, from the get-go, he could see his girlfriend’s family members were curious about how he grew up and where he came from.

“When her father first met me, the first thing he asked was what my parents did (what?),” he explained.

“Anyway, time passed, and I always maintained a good relationship with her father, but sometimes I heard unnecessary comments that made me very sad.”

“Once, for example, my girlfriend was showing her new clothes to her father, and he complimented her, saying, “You look very beautiful. In fact, you’re very beautiful. I don’t know why you didn’t find a boyfriend who’s also a millionaire.” He said it half-jokingly, but I sensed some truth in it, and it hurt me a lot.”

dglimages – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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