
His Ex-Wife Cheated While He Was Deployed, So Now He’s Refusing To Pay For Her Storage Unit - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A while ago, this 34-year-old man was deployed. Two weeks before he returned home, he learned that his wife had been cheating on him.

Over the last 12 years of their marriage, his wife brought up the fact that she wanted to file for divorce about once a week.

They have talked about divorcing numerous times in the past but never took any steps to start the process.

When he got back from his deployment, he no longer had a job, home, or car, and he barely had any money.

He spent the last of his money to rent a car so that he could see his children for five days.

After that, he moved back in with his family, who lived a few states away from his ex-wife and children.

As he and his now ex-wife were going through the process of divorcing, she started dating someone new, and neither she nor her boyfriend were employed or had any money.

Their divorce was non-contested, and they agreed to 50/50 custody and no child support requirements.

He doesn’t have a job yet, but he is waiting on a couple of paychecks that he should be getting from his recent deployment. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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