
He’s Breaking Down How Cheaters Use Social Media To, Well, Cheat

Ivan Traimak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Ivan Traimak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One of the downsides of living in a digital age is that cheating is so much more common because of social media. Think about it: you can have full-blown relationships with people online without necessarily seeing them routinely in person.

One TikTok content creator who gives relationship advice recently broke down some of the ways cheaters use popular social media apps to, you guessed it, cheat.

Creator @urdivorcesurvivalguide opens his video by saying, “I’m about to ruin some relationships with this one.”

His video responds to another TikTok user who told her followers she believed that the popular app Snapchat was made for cheating. He agrees with the woman and gives explanations for why and how cheaters use some major apps.

Starting with Facebook, @urdivorcesurvivalguide says it’s where cheaters can stay updated on and keep in touch with exes and potential relationship partners that “just got away.”

“Facebook is a portal to your past,” says @divorcesurvivalguide.

He then explains that some cheaters will create fake Facebook accounts and then start talking to people on there to seem less suspicious, or if there’s a good amount of trust in the cheater and their partner, they might not even feel the need to create a fake account and will continually message people.

Plus, he mentions that because Facebook is the best way to reach out to people the cheater already knew in the past, it’s even easier to connect with people than starting from scratch.

“It’s way easier to do that than it is to jump out into the dating world and start trying to establish some connection with a total stranger. That would be way harder, and these people are lazy.”

Ivan Traimak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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