
Here’s How To Help Your Child Beat The “Snooze Blues” And Wake Up On Time For School

Photo 114958047 © Evgenyatamanenko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Waking up early for school is a common challenge in many households, often leading to a daily tug-of-war between parents and their children.

This struggle is not simply about reluctance or resistance to start the day, either. Instead, it can be deeply rooted in a variety of factors.

From biological sleep patterns to lifestyle habits, several things can contribute to this all-too-relatable issue. But, by understanding the causes and implementing consistent routines, both at night and in the morning, parents can definitely transform these trying times into a more efficient and less stressful process.

Understanding The Snooze Blues

Why does your child treat the alarm clock like a sworn enemy?

It sometimes might just feel like stubbornness or a general dislike for school, but that’s not always the case.

Biological factors, like their developing bodies needing more sleep, and external factors, like screen time before bed, can significantly impact their ability to rise and shine.

So, recognizing these factors is the first step in helping your child greet the morning with less grogginess.

Set The Stage The Night Before

Photo 114958047 © Evgenyatamanenko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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