
Her Sister-In-Law Screamed At Her For Making Her Look Fat While Rock Climbing

However, she had no idea that rock wall climbing would be challenging for her sister-in-law when she recommended it to her brother.

“I have only met my brother’s wife once due to him moving across the country,” she explained.

“She was an average weight when I met her. However, I didn’t know that over the course of [three and a half] years, she had gained over 300 pounds, and my brother didn’t mention that exercise might be an issue. I didn’t comment about her weight when we met up at the gym.”

She went to complete a more challenging rock climbing exercise while her brother and his wife did a more basic exercise.

However, after only 25 minutes, her brother went up to her and said he and his wife were leaving and would see her when she got home.

She thought nothing of it and completed her workout. But when she finished at the gym, she arrived home to a lot of drama.

“My sister-in-law cornered me and screamed at me, talking about how I set her up to make her look and feel fat and how I [rubbed] my athleticism in her face,” she said.

“I apologized, but she and my brother got a hotel room, and both of them [are refusing] to speak to me.”

Did she do anything wrong by suggesting rock climbing to her brother and sister-in-law, or is her sister-in-law being unreasonable?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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