
Her Sister-In-Law Screamed At Her For Making Her Look Fat While Rock Climbing

xartproduction - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
xartproduction - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Most of us know by now how inappropriate it can be to comment on someone’s body weight or appearance, and it can feel terrible to be accused of doing so.

One woman set up a rock-climbing exercise for her brother and his wife while they were in town, not knowing that she had gained significant weight since she last saw her. Then, she returned home and was accused of purposefully trying to embarrass her.

She’s 20-years-old and is incredibly passionate about sports.

She’s the junior coach of a wrestling team, referees basketball games three times a week, and can frequently be found at her local gym rock wall climbing. She’s been competitively rock climbing and has her own equipment.

Recently, her 29-year-old brother and his 30-year-old wife came into town for the holidays. She doesn’t see them often, as they live on the other side of the country. She had only met her sister-in-law once in person and hadn’t seen her in over three years.

Before their visit, her brother told her that he and his wife were looking for some trust exercises they could do while they were in town. She told him she could bring them to the gym for rock climbing.

“He asked how much weight the harnesses and rope could hold,” she recalled.

“I looked it up, and it [holds] over 2000 pounds. He also asked how it was trust-based.”

She told her brother that one person acts as a belayer while the other climbs the wall and that the belayer is in charge of the ropes that hold up the climber and ensure they don’t fall, so rock wall climbing is similar to a trust exercise. 

xartproduction – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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