
Her Sister-In-Law Called Her Out For Being Too Affectionate With Her Husband In Front Of His Family And Said She Needed To Act Like An Adult Instead Of A “Needy Girlfriend”

“These words irritated me, and I distanced myself from my sister-in-law,” she recalled.

Afterward, she also told her husband what happened, and he was both shocked and annoyed by his sister’s remarks.

Her husband wanted to confront his sister, too, but she asked him to just let the issue go. After all, she didn’t want to cause a big scene at the celebration.

Thankfully, her husband agreed to do that. However, he made it clear that he planned to talk to his sister after the party.

So, she and her husband tried to keep enjoying the event with their son. Eventually, though, she couldn’t help but notice how some other family members standing near her sister-in-law kept giving them strange looks.

That’s why she and her husband wound up leaving the party earlier than they’d anticipated. And while driving home, she asked her husband if he thought that they were honestly in the wrong.

“And he said no, that his sister has been bitter since childhood and that I didn’t need to worry about her,” she revealed.

Regardless, ever since her sister-in-law pulled her aside at the party, she hasn’t been able to stop wondering if she really is a jerk for being so affectionate with her husband in front of her in-laws.

How would you feel if your sister-in-law said something like that to you? Do you think PDA in front of family is acceptable or not? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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