
Her Sister-In-Law Called Her Out For Being Too Affectionate With Her Husband In Front Of His Family And Said She Needed To Act Like An Adult Instead Of A “Needy Girlfriend”

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 29-year-old woman and her husband, who is 31, have been married for about seven years. They also have a 4-year-old son together.

And when she and her husband are together, she admitted that they can be very “lovey-dovey” or “touchy-feely.”

“We don’t do anything inappropriate in public,” she clarified, “Just hugs, kisses, compliments, and playful banter almost all the time.”

Anyway, they attended her mother-in-law’s birthday party last Saturday with a bunch of other friends and family members. While there, she and her husband also behaved as usual while still making sure to participate in activities and interact with the other guests.

Yet, at one point, her 27-year-old sister-in-law actually pulled her to the side and told her to “stop showing off.”

Her sister-in-law claimed it was embarrassing to see her and her husband behaving like “lovesick teenagers.” Her sister-in-law even accused her marriage of seeming “forced.”

“My sister-in-law said no one wanted to see that, and we needed to stop because we were always like that,” she added.

Now, after that confrontation, she was understandably upset. Then, she asked if her sister-in-law was just jealous, but her sister-in-law denied that.

Instead, her sister-in-law swore it was just “common sense,” believing that she needed to act like a mother and an adult instead of some “needy girlfriend.”

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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