Categories: Relationships

Her Sister-In-Law Accused Her Of Being Vindictive And Having A Baby Out Of Spite

Chip Chick

In hindsight, she realized that her sister-in-law is the person responsible for most of how everything unraveled. While she’s hurt that her brother hasn’t taken her side, she’s aware of the fact that he’s caught in the middle.

Luckily, when she texted her brother, she made it clear that she would be there for him whenever he was willing to reach out for support, but she knew that he had to be the one to reach out. She couldn’t force him to make decisions.

In the meantime, she hears updates about her brother through her parents, who talk to him on a weekly basis.

Even though she knows that she isn’t the one in the wrong, about half of her family members are on her sister-in-law’s side. She doesn’t share her family’s religious views, so the idea of a pregnancy before marriage never bothered her.

Plus, her brother is the favorite of their family, while she has never been.

What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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