
Her Sister-In-Law Accused Her Of Being Vindictive And Having A Baby Out Of Spite

While she can relate to how tough that can be, she doesn’t think any of this can be used as an excuse for not allowing her brother to talk to or see her.

Early next year, her brother and sister-in-law will be having their first child, but they still haven’t been communicating with her.

Sadly, the last time she saw her brother in person was at a funeral after one of their family members passed away. At the time, she was a couple of weeks away from her due date, and this was when her brother told her that his wife was pregnant.

He added that he would be sure to visit her in the hospital after she gave birth to her child. Now, her daughter is 3 months old, and her brother never followed through on his promise. He still hasn’t met her or asked about her at all.

Her brother hardly talks to their mother these days, and he let their mother know that he won’t visit her on his own anymore. He apparently would only see his mother with his wife present.

“My mom and I have lost all respect for her and no longer want anything to do with her. She’s threatened me and my family, won’t let me see my brother, and won’t even speak to me. I haven’t seen her in a year now. She’s caused a divide in my family and spun it to make me look like the bad guy by telling everyone I got pregnant to spite her,” she shared.

Finally, she contacted her brother one last time to let him know that she would no longer put effort into repairing their relationship when the tension wasn’t her fault.

She told him that she thought it would be better if they didn’t communicate until he was able to defend her and put in the work to resolve the conflict, adding that she hoped his wife was able to come back to reality.

She told her brother that they shouldn’t talk because she was trying to keep his well-being in mind. His wife was clearly trying to keep the two of them apart, so if her sister-in-law found out that they were communicating, it would cause problems for her brother.

It would be horrible if something happened to her brother due to her reaching out to him, and she would feel extremely guilty and like it was her fault.

Before she got pregnant, she hadn’t realized her brother was being emotionally abused and controlled by his wife. She acknowledged that she doesn’t think it’s only her brother’s fault for the fact that he won’t talk to her.

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