
Her Sister-In-Law Accused Her Of Being Vindictive And Having A Baby Out Of Spite

One day, she was talking to him on FaceTime and let him know that he would be an uncle soon. At the time, his wife was right next to him.

“The energy completely shifted. He was happy for me, but his wife wouldn’t say a word. I just shrugged it off until a few days later, I noticed she unfriended me on Facebook and then discovered me unfollowed me on all social media,” she said.

She contacted her sister-in-law to find out why she wasn’t able to be thrilled about her pregnancy and why this news drove her to unfriend her on social media.

Instead of giving her a clear explanation, her brother’s wife claimed that she didn’t unfollow her because she was pregnant, but she didn’t believe her because it happened right after she told her brother and sister-in-law about the pregnancy.

Moving forward, her brother started distancing himself from her. He and his wife didn’t attend family gatherings when they knew she would be there. She hadn’t seen her brother for months.

Over the course of the several months that her brother wasn’t talking to her, he and her sister-in-law would see their mother, and afterward, her mother would fill her in on what they told her during their visit.

“My sister-in-law was saying that I got pregnant to be vindictive because I knew she wanted a baby, but my brother wouldn’t try for one. She said my name gave her anxiety, and after that, my mom and brother were no longer allowed to talk about me or say my name around her,” she explained.

After her mother told her this, she sent her brother a text message to share her side in hopes of resolving the issue.

She explained that her pregnancy was unplanned, and she would never dream of purposely getting pregnant in order to hurt someone.

Obviously, that is a huge, life-altering choice just to aggravate someone else, and she isn’t even a vindictive person in the first place.

She added that she would love the chance to have a conversation with him in person so that they could talk through how they could work on their relationship and get back to where they used to be.

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