
Her Husband Wants To Give His $10,000 Christmas Bonus To His Struggling Parents, But She Doesn’t Want To And Thinks They’re Financially Irresponsible

CarlosBarquero - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband are already well-established in their careers, even though they are still pretty young.

They have been smart with their money for their entire seven-year marriage so that they were financially stable enough to purchase a home and build up an impressive amount in their savings account.

Plus, they have three children who are all under 5-years-old, so despite a lot of their income going toward their family, they have been able to remain financially comfortable.

Besides their mortgage, they don’t have any other debt.

She and her husband have been able to achieve this by putting off big purchases so that they can save up enough money to make future purchases in cash.

Both of their vehicles are more than a decade old, and they’re planning to replace one of them in the next couple of years, making sure that this purchase won’t add any debt for them.

“On the other hand, my husband’s parents are financially irresponsible. For their anniversary last year, they bought matching Teslas, even though they own a new truck that cost them over $100,000 and had recently remodeled their home,” she said.

Even though her in-laws had accumulated this huge amount of debt, were 15 years away from retiring, and not having anything in savings or even a retirement account, her father-in-law chose to go from full-time to part-time hours because he was sick of his hour-long commute to work.

Several weeks after that, her in-laws went on a trip to the Bahamas for two weeks.

CarlosBarquero – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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