
Her Boyfriend Told Her She’s Not A “Real Woman” Since He Needs Someone Who Will Want To Clean And Cook For Him Every Day

AnnaHar - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 37-year-old woman has been in a relationship with her 39-year-old boyfriend for the last three years, and a year ago, they moved in together.

Before they made such a big move in their relationship, they did talk about getting married, splitting bills, and who would be cooking as well as cleaning.

Back then, it truly seemed like they agreed upon everything. Then, five months ago, they really started struggling, and they had a ton of problems and fights.

She did some soul-searching and outlined the issues she had that were contributing to the tough spots in their relationship, and she resolved to make personal changes.

She has worked a lot on herself in the past couple of months so that she could improve her relationship, and it’s helped.

But then, a few evenings ago, things took a turn for the worse.

“Last night, he told me he can’t stand me, I’m crazy, I don’t cook, and I don’t clean,” she explained.

“I work a full-time job just like he does. I have a teenage daughter from a previous marriage. He gets home from work at 4 pm, and I get home at 7:30. Monday and Friday, I work from home and always prepare dinner on those days.”

“I also pack his lunch and breakfast for the next day throughout the entire week. I do all the cleaning that I can (he does none other than clean his and his 15-year-old son’s dishes).”

AnnaHar – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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