
Her Boyfriend Thinks He Should Get A Say In What She Wears

Valerii Apetroaiei - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old girl and her 26-year-old boyfriend have been dating for more than one year so far, and she truly is in love with him.

She wants to do everything she can to make things work between them, but she’s currently concerned about sharing her future with him over one thing: her boyfriend thinks he should get a say in what she wears.

Back when she first started dating her boyfriend, she made it clear to him that she has a major problem with anyone telling her what to do.

She also informed him she can’t date a guy who is controlling. He understood her position, though never weighed in with his opinion.

But recently, her boyfriend said to her she should not get to wear clothes he feels are revealing, as he thinks it’s a sign of respect for him.

The thing is, she never wears anything revealing, except once in a blue moon when she’s going out with her friends.

Her boyfriend insists him dictating what she can wear doesn’t stem from envy, though she knows he has bad self-esteem and a jealousy problem, so she isn’t buying what he says.

Her boyfriend has argued that she needs to find a compromise with her clothes, as he does not want to be disrespected.

However, she finds it disrespectful that he would try to tell her what to wear in the first place. She doesn’t see how she can make her boyfriend happy about this topic, except if she does do what he says.

Valerii Apetroaiei – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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