
He Found Out That His Girlfriend She Was Engaged To Another Guy

During their argument, his girlfriend called him “‘crazy'” and told him that this situation wasn’t any of his business.

“She told me to leave her alone, and I said, ‘Gladly,’ to which she wildly kept on talking. I think she panicked and realized she was losing part of her support system,” he shared.

After this conversation, he felt a mix of emotions. He was stunned by what he discovered, but he was also elated and felt a sense of relief that he found out what his girlfriend was hiding so that he could end the relationship.

It was lucky that he broke up with her before he became too emotionally entangled. At the same time, he feels guilty for abandoning her when she is currently suffering so much, and he acknowledges that he probably made her mental state a bit worse.

Since he cut ties with her, he realized that he may never know the entire story or whether it was even true that his girlfriend was going through mental health issues in the first place.

Later, he got in touch with his ex-girlfriend’s fiancé to let him know what she had been up to.

What would you have done if you were in his shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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