
He Banned His Parents From Seeing His Kids Because His Oldest Child Ended Up In The Emergency Room After Having A Severe Allergic Reaction To Peanuts Provided By His Parents, Who Knew His Oldest Was Allergic

“Our oldest had gone into anaphylaxis and was rushed to the ER in an ambulance. My parents were there, and everything seemed okay as our kid was safe and in the hands of the medics,” he explained.

Right after receiving this news, he and his wife skipped dinner and drove back home right away. They arrived home at about 4 a.m. on Sunday morning, and his sister was watching their children.

“My parents were at their own house. This seemed strange as they were babysitting, but we were just happy that they were okay and could give them a hug. However, my sister explained that our parents had given the kids peanut butter on toast as a ‘special treat’ since ‘a little bit won’t hurt,'” he shared.

He was livid and sent his father a text message. In anger, he sent messages swearing at his father. Understandably, it was infuriating that his parents purposely gave his child something that could have seriously harmed him.

Plus, he was mad that his parents had just left his children with his sister when they were the ones who had agreed to watch them. In response, his father shamed him for not saying thank you for taking care of their children.

Then, his father told him he didn’t understand what the issue was, adding that he had to give his ticket to a game to someone else so that he was available to watch their children.

His father lectured him, claiming that he should be more appreciative of this. Everything about his father’s reaction made him feel conflicted. He loves his parents, and he wants to be able to get together with them for Christmas, which is just days away.

However, his parents clearly don’t comprehend how dangerous what they did truly was. After thinking it over, he came to the decision not to visit his parents over the holidays. Instead, he and his wife will be getting together with his sister and his wife’s family.

Once the holidays are over, early in the new year, he plans to sit down and have a discussion with his parents in hopes of repairing their dynamic.

What advice would you give him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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