
He Banned His Parents From Seeing His Kids Because His Oldest Child Ended Up In The Emergency Room After Having A Severe Allergic Reaction To Peanuts Provided By His Parents, Who Knew His Oldest Was Allergic

NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For the first time since before their children were born and the pandemic started, this man and his wife booked a hotel for the weekend.

They asked his parents if they’d be available to take care of their two children, who are 1 and 3 years old, during their trip.

He and his wife have a great relationship with his parents, and they hardly ever ask them to watch their kids.

Their children and his parents were all looking forward to spending time together, and he and his wife were thrilled to have a weekend to themselves.

“Anyway, our oldest is allergic to nuts. It’s a serious allergy, and it was scary when we found out. However, everyone in our family knows, and it’s pretty easy to stay away from,” he said.

This past Friday, his parents came over to their house early in the afternoon, and he and his wife said bye to their children before leaving. At this point, everything was fine, and everyone was happy.

Twenty-hour hours later, he and his wife were in another state, which was a six-hour drive away.

They were about to eat dinner when his sister called him, telling him she was at the hospital.

Obviously, he was instantly concerned.

NDABCREATIVITY – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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