
He Accused His Sister Of Being A “Social Climber” Because She’s Been Trying To Manipulate His Niece’s Relationship With A Wealthy Guy

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man’s sister has four daughters. Over the last two years, he’s noticed that she has been essentially obsessed with her second-oldest daughter’s relationship.

His niece has been dating her boyfriend for quite a while now.

“Her mother didn’t find out until much later that her boyfriend is from a very wealthy and well-known family,” he said.

While he’s unsure how it took that long for his sister to find out this information, he wonders if his niece purposely hid this from her.

When his sister was finally introduced to her daughter’s boyfriend, she learned who his father was and his family background.

“Ever since then, my sister is trying to manipulate and ‘manage’ her relationship to get her to push this guy into commitment,” he explained.

His sister has gone to great lengths to give her daughter advice on what she should say to her boyfriend and how she should behave around his family.

Whenever her daughter doesn’t heed her advice, instead doing what she thinks is best, she gets angry.

Not long ago, his niece’s boyfriend asked her if she wanted to move in with him, and his sister told her not to agree to it.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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