
“Dry January” May Be The Perfect Antidote For A Holiday Season Of Overindulgence, So Here Are Some Tips For Success When It Comes To Cutting Out Alcohol

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I have always admired the brave people who decided to participate in “Dry January” after New Year’s Eve. 

The holidays are a very popular time for drinking and over-indulging in general. After tumultuous years, people begin to feel super run down and ready for a reset in honor of the new year.

Dry January may be the perfect challenge if you’ve been drinking more than usual throughout 2023 or feel like you were overdoing it on the cocktails during the holidays.

The concept is simple. Those who want to participate in Dry January give up drinking from January 1st to February 1st. January becomes a booze-free month and an opportunity for you to clear your head and evaluate just how much or how little drinking impacts your life. 

Dry January also gives people the chance to take a break from heavy socializing and put the money they’d spend on alcohol toward something else. Then, once the month is over, people can choose to slowly incorporate drinking back into their lives, return right to normal, or keep things “dry.”

If you’re interested in participating in Dry January, here are some tips on successfully getting through the sober month!

Let your friends and family know what you’re doing

One of the best ways to avoid temptation during the month is to let those you usually drink with, like friends and family, know in advance that you’ll be participating in Dry January.

Let them know you’ll need a support system and suggest some drink-free activities you can do together over the month.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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