
After Going On A Holiday Hike With Her Boyfriend And His Family, She Injured Her Ankle And They Left Her Alone In The Middle Of The Wilderness

Andrew Mayovskyy - - illustrative purposes only

With Christmas coming up, families everywhere will be getting together for the holidays. For many, the holiday season is a joyful time because it provides an opportunity to see everyone again.

But for some, it’s not such a pleasant occasion because of certain family members who don’t know the meaning of respect.

In light of the holidays, TikToker Callie (@_cal_cifer) is recounting the details of a video she had seen last year sometime during the holiday season while sharing the message that you do not have to go anywhere with people you aren’t comfortable around, even if that’s your in-laws.

In the video, a woman had gone with her boyfriend or husband to spend the holidays with his family.

During the holidays, his family had a tradition of going on a big hike together. She didn’t really want to go but was pressured into it because she wanted to seem like a good sport.

While they were in the woods, she injured her ankle and needed to sit down to take a break. Instead of waiting with her, her partner and his family left her behind in the middle of the wilderness.

They told her they wanted to keep going and that she could catch up later.

She stayed in the same spot for a while, thinking they would come back, but they never did. They didn’t even try to call her or send help to make sure she was okay.

When she finally made it out of the woods on her own, they all acted like nothing had happened.

Andrew Mayovskyy – – illustrative purposes only

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