
This Mom Of 5 Says She Has Discovered The Perfect Time Of Year To Get Pregnant

Stanislav - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This mom has figured out the perfect time of year to get pregnant, and she’s telling everybody who is trying for a baby.

Amanda Ivanelli (@aivanelli) on TikTok is a mother to five children; four boys and one girl. She’s telling women to get pregnant around the end of March or early April. Why, you ask?

In Amanda’s words, “You’ll be cute pregnant all summer long, cute little baby bump in your bikinis.”

The hot weather of the summer season won’t be so unbearable with a smaller tummy.

And in the fall, you’ll be able to sip on pumpkin spice lattes and snack on Halloween candy without shame. So what? It’s just pregnancy cravings.

When Thanksgiving finally rolls around, and you’re nearing your last trimester, that’s when you’ll be at your largest.

Then, you can indulge in all the stuffing and mashed potatoes you want!

Don’t be afraid to have second helpings, and just blame the baby when you devour that last piece of the pie. Remember, you’re eating for two now.

You’ll pop out the baby before Christmas arrives, so you get to enjoy Christmas with the newborn. That means more rest and relaxation time during the holiday season.

Stanislav – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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