
She’s Refusing To Let Her Husband’s Parents Live With Them Even Though Her Husband Was Fine With Her Own Parents Moving In To Save Money

Photo 63732050 © Vadymvdrobot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 38-year-old woman’s parents are both in their seventies and have been living with her and her husband, who is 39. Her husband has never had any problem with this arrangement, either.

Now, they do have three kids– two sons, who are 10 and 7-years-old, as well as an 8-year-old daughter. But, their home is quite large, so everyone in her family is able to fit comfortably and have some space left over.

Originally, her parents decided to move in due to the high cost of renting.

“My parents came to live with us due to the fact that it’s a lot cheaper to live with us than rent,” she said.

However, just yesterday, her husband approached her with a new proposition– asking if his parents could live with them, too.

And despite her husband supporting her parents moving in with them, she turned down his idea about his own parents moving in for a variety of reasons.

First of all, she feels like caring for her parents is already difficult, and she doesn’t want to take on any more stress. Secondly, she claimed that her in-laws are perfectly fine with money and don’t need to move in with them in order to live comfortably.

Well, her husband didn’t understand her perspective and just claimed that her reasoning was “ridiculous.”

He believes that because she’s a stay-at-home mom and their kids are in school for seven hours each day, she doesn’t have much else going on or eating up her time.

Photo 63732050 © Vadymvdrobot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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