
She’s Opening Up About How She Was Forced To Move Back Home With Her Parents After Racking Up $36,227 In Credit Card Debt

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It can be easy to get carried away with spending, especially when there’s a big sale at the mall, but one 28-year-old woman from California took reckless spending to a whole new level and has dug herself into an unfortunate financial situation.

TikToker Brittany Reynolds (@brit_reynolds) is speaking about how she was forced to move back in with her parents in August because she had built up massive credit card debt.

By sharing her story, she hopes to help remove the stigma and shame surrounding debt.

She started at $36,227 in credit card debt and has managed to pay off thousands, but she still has a long way to go.

She has three credit cards and listed the amounts she accumulated on each of them. On one of them, she racked up $22,627. The second card had a total of $4,540, and the third was $9,060.

Brittany has a plan in place to pay off her debt. She currently is not paying rent at her parents’ house, which she emphasized her gratitude for.

Her monthly income is a little over $5,000, and she’s putting roughly $3,500 of that toward her credit cards every month. The rest of her income covers her expenses, such as groceries, phone bills, and car insurance.

Within the first month of moving back home to pay off her debt, she has gone from $36,227 to $32,627. Her credit score has seen an improvement as well, going from 609 to 619.

By the end of October, her current balance was $31,000, and her credit score had gone up to 634. After putting part of her most recent paycheck toward her credit cards, she brought the total of her debt down to $29,000.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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