
She’s On Vacation In Jamaica Right Now, And After She Removed A Guy’s Belongings From A Poolside Cabana, He Freaked Out On Her

Fotoluminate LLC - -  illustrative purposes only
Fotoluminate LLC - - illustrative purposes only

This woman is currently on vacation in Jamaica as we speak, and she’s staying at a resort. Yesterday, she was lying in a poolside cabana along with her 5-year-old son when suddenly, a man named Jim aggressively approached her.

Jim insisted that he had reserved the very cabana she was lounging in so that he and his wife could enjoy it.

She questioned Jim calmly if he had gone to the resort’s front desk to reserve the cabana, but Jim said he didn’t have to do that.

He pointed out the two pool towels he had left inside the cabana and said that was his way of reserving the space.

“I kindly referred him to the clear signage all over the pool area that you are not allowed to reserve the cabanas and sun loungers with your personal items and that unattended items will be removed,” she explained.

“He asked who removed them. I said I did once I saw that no one had sat in or used this cabana for over two hours.”

“Jim gets all huffy, and he tells me I need to leave. I again calmly tell him I will not be leaving this cabana as I’m here and using it, and him “reserving” it with some pool towels was not allowed as per hotel policy.”

She told Jim if he wanted her to move herself and her things out of the cabana, then he could go ask the hotel staff and see what they had to say about him attempting to reserve the cabana with two towels.

Jim called her a terrible name in front of her young son before storming away from her.

Fotoluminate LLC – – illustrative purposes only

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