
She’s Not Letting Her Younger Sister Drive Her Car Because She Got Into Two Accidents And Might Get Her License Revoked

maxbelchenko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A long time ago, this woman was given her grandma’s car to use for work since her grandma doesn’t drive anymore.

And ever since then, her mom has helped her out by paying for the car insurance– which she realizes technically makes the vehicle her mom’s car, too.

But while she’s an experienced driver, her little sister only got a driver’s license two months ago. And within just the past three weeks, her sister has gotten into two car accidents– both of which were her sister’s fault.

According to her, the most recent car accident was pretty serious, too, since both cars involved needed major repairs afterward.

“If my sister’s unlucky, she will maybe even get her license revoked because of the last one, but the other party decided not to press charges for now,” she revealed.

Anyway, the latest accident has left her mom’s car in the auto repair shop for the next couple of weeks.

And since her sister usually used her mom’s car to drive to music lessons, her sister now doesn’t have a mode of transportation.

That’s why her mom recently suggested that her sister just drive her car there and back. However, she was far from okay with that and told her mom, “Absolutely not.”

First of all, she relies on her car and needs it every day. More importantly, she’s also seriously concerned that her sister will get into yet another accident.

maxbelchenko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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