Categories: Romance

She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Spent The Entire Time Bragging About His Business, And She Got Such Bad Second-Hand Embarrassment That She Had To Flee The Scene

Emily Chan

Some first dates are so horrible that they can be unbearable to sit through, causing one to make a hasty exit as politely as possible. TikToker Reema Bassoumi (@dr.reemabassoumi) is discussing a dating experience she had that was so bad it gave her secondhand embarrassment and made her not want to go on another date again.

So, Reema was at the stage where she wanted to start dating for marriage. At the time, she was hung up on another boy and really wanted to move on from him, so when this guy reached out to her via social media and asked if they could meet up for coffee, she readily agreed.

From the get-go, Reema informed him that she was not dating around just for fun. She was looking for someone to spend the rest of her life with. He told her that she was his “perfect marriage girl,” which she viewed as a red flag since he only knew her from photos on social media.

After that, she shut it down, no longer wanting to go on a date with him. However, he kept giving her compliments and boosting her confidence, which slowly worked to change her mind. She started wondering if he really was her future husband and decided she needed to give him a chance.

Over text messaging, they got to know the basics about each other. She found out that he was educated, ambitious, and seemed super successful. So, eventually, they planned to meet up at a coffee shop. Reema enlisted her cousins to come along with her and had them pretend like they were strangers studying at a nearby table in case she needed any rescuing.

When the guy arrived, her first impression of him was that he was not cute. As they started talking, she quickly realized that his favorite topic of conversation was himself. He didn’t ask her anything about herself or give her an opportunity to speak at all. Instead, he couldn’t stop bragging about his thriving business, all the money he made, and how religious he was.

He was buttering himself up so much that the details sounded fake to Reema. It got to the point where she couldn’t even pretend to feign interest in him and what he was saying. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at her cousins, trying to alert them to save her from the awful date.

They weren’t getting the hint, and the guy was beginning to stare at her creepily. So, she grabbed her phone and texted her cousins. Then, they walked over to her table, acting as if they had just happened to run into her.

Reema told her date that it was getting late and it was time for her to head out. She left the coffee shop with her cousins. After the date, she told him she didn’t see him as someone she wanted to marry. He kept blowing up her phone with messages, telling her he was the whole package and trying to persuade her to give him another chance.

Ekaterina Pokrovsky – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Emily Chan

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