
She Was Invited Over To A Guy’s House For Dinner And A Movie, But Stayed For Literally Three Seconds Before Fleeing The Premises Because His Place Was Absolutely Filthy, And Now He Won’t Stop Angrily Blowing Up Her Phone

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Growing up, you might have heard your parents tell you, “You never know what goes on behind closed doors.” But this isn’t just true about family drama in your neighborhood; it’s also even more relevant today in the age of social media.

Of course, we have Instagram and TikTok highlight reels that showcase our “best selves” and the most flattering perspectives of our lives. However, online dating is arguably even worse.

While scrolling on a dating app, you might only get to see a handful of photos of a prospective partner before you’re expected to go out with them. And sometimes, what you find on the other side of the screen is downright shocking.

This woman in her late forties recently had a similar experience with a guy she met online.

For context, they actually met online several months ago and have been talking ever since. However, she only finally met the guy in person last weekend.

“We went to a movie,” she recalled.

Then, just last night, the guy invited her over to his house to watch another movie and eat some dinner.

She agreed to go, too, but she had no idea the kind of household she would be stepping into.

From the moment she walked inside the guy’s place, she realized that she couldn’t stay there for long at all.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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