
She Told Her Sister That If Not Forcing Her Daughter To Share Her Toys Upsets Her So Much, She Can Find Another Place To Live

morrowlight - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
morrowlight - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This young woman is a single mom to a 6-year-old little girl named Emi. Sadly, Emi has been ill since she was only 2-years-old, and she is not supposed to live to see her 10th birthday.

As soon as Emi got sick, Emi’s dad walked out on them, leaving her to care for Emi all on her own.

Emi is so sick that she has to spend a week in the hospital, and then she comes home for a week before repeating the schedule.

She has not been able to send Emi to school due to how sick she is, and so the only time Emi gets to interact with children is when she does go to the hospital.

“Emi hates sharing her toys, so I try not to make her do it,” she explained. “Usually, when we see her cousins, I’ll buy something like a big pack of chalk and a gallon of bubbles, and I’ll tell her it’s for everybody, but that’s the only time she’ll share.”

“My sister and her 2 daughters (5 and 7) are living with us temporarily. It’s been difficult for everyone. At first, I switched rooms with Emi, and we put all 3 girls in the master, but Emi hated sharing rooms and said the girls were always touching her stuff, so we switched back, and I put the girls in the spare room with their mom.”

“My sister was complaining that the room was too crowded, so she’s staying on a cot in my office, but apparently that’s also uncomfortable, so she wants the girls to share again.”

Now, her sister is living with her for free and does not pay her any rent. Her sister’s husband gives her $500 a month to help them all pay for the cost of groceries, and her sister will help watch Emi when she’s working.

But her sister complains to no end about everything. She even complains that she takes Emi out on weekend or day trips without including her and her own kids.

morrowlight – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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