
She Moved In With Her Ex-Husband And His New Wife So They Could Ditch Their Split Custody Plan And Co-Parent Their Children Full-Time

Petro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Co-parenting is sometimes extremely challenging for people.

However, some have really embraced co-parenting and are lucky enough to have healthy relationships with their ex-partners and fellow parents.

For many people, healthy co-parenting looks like having a clear-cut, split custody schedule and constant communication regarding their child’s well-being while staying apart. But can you imagine co-parenting with your ex and living with them?

One mom and TikTok content creator recently amazed her viewers when she revealed that she and her partner would be moving in with her ex-husband and his wife so she could ditch her split custody plan and be with her children and their entire family full-time.

Katie Vella Mathis (@katiekatekatelynn) is a mother of three girls whom she had with her ex-husband Evan.

After their split, Evan remarried and moved into a new home with his new wife, Megan.
Katie wowed TikTok users when she revealed in a recent video that she was moving in with Evan and Megan.

“Two weeks ago, I moved out of my house and into my ex-husband’s new wife’s house,” says Katie in her video.

“Our goal is to better parent our three young children [and] give up the fifty-fifty, Friday through Friday, every-other-week parenting plan for full-time, shared responsibilities and 24/7 access to our kids.”

Megan and Evan decided to do a ‘trial run’ of this living arrangement and, once they realized how well it was working, decided to make it permanent.

Petro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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